Kosmic Cove
Anime, Movies, Horror, everything far and between welcome to the Kosmic Cove Podcast!
Kosmic Cove
EP 28- Laughs, Love, and Bugs: Unpacking Films, Funny Tales, and Insect Wonders!!
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Have you ever wondered why the latest Alien franchise movie just doesn't hold a candle to the classics? Join us, Kosmic Cove, as we dissect our cinematic adventures, starting with our humorous take on this latest sci-fi flick despite its decent Rotten Tomatoes score. We'll share what films truly ignite our passion, comparing storytelling styles from Tarantino's twisty "Pulp Fiction" to the straightforward, yet no less thrilling, exploits of Steven Seagal. Our conversation is laced with laughter and cultural appreciation, giving Bollywood cinema its well-deserved spotlight!?
Ever experienced a miraculous recovery in Walmart or faced the awkwardness of translating medical gibberish? You're not alone! We'll share our late-night escapades and reminisce about those curious Walmart phenomena, all while swapping stories about awkward doctor visits and childhood fears of medical exams. Together, we'll navigate these comical and candid moments, finding humor in the unexpected turns of everyday life. And yes, you read it right, we even explore the bizarre antics of a popular Indian handyman whose handyman style has gone viral.
Bugs, love, and gratitude—what more do you need? We'll venture into the fascinating world of insects, from the fiery bombardier beetle to the giant water bug, captivating you with quirky facts and personal anecdotes. As we ponder the structured lives of these tiny creatures, we can't help but marvel at their astonishing defense mechanisms. Finally, we wrap up with a heartfelt note of thanks to our listeners, sharing a few laughs about love and the amusing romantic escapades of our past. Join us on this rollercoaster of emotion, insight, and appreciation, as we promise to keep the laughter and engaging content coming your way.
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Much Love-----Kosmic Cove
Oh, you think darkness is your ally. You merely adopted the dark.
Speaker 2:I was born in it Molded by it. I see death. What it do? Cosmic Co family. Welcome to another amazing episode here with my co-host, the amazing Puerto Rican Asian.
Speaker 1:Asian, you're fine. Fine, I want reverence. Yeah, you're fired, you're fired. I want reverence. Yeah, you're fired, you're fired.
Speaker 2:So they gave me the job to press the button and I went through every single fucking audio bit, but the one that I needed to. It's okay, though, I'm learning. I'm learning. Nah, I'm just listening.
Speaker 1:That's right, it's your boy. Reverend the Asian Cajun Raisin.
Speaker 2:Rican.
Speaker 1:Dembowin. Oh, dembowin Dembow. Did you figure it out, dembowin?
Speaker 2:I was like that's right, it's visuals.
Speaker 1:Y'all gonna have visuals of us this time.
Speaker 2:So I'm gonna mention visuals. You're about to see some beautiful people.
Speaker 1:Damn, my chair got stuck. I this time Some invasion visuals. You're about to see some beautiful people. Damn, my chair got stuck. I'm going to lay.
Speaker 2:Go ahead, bro. What was you going to say, though? My fault, oh no, no, you good. No, I was going to say welcome. My bad for being here on the Thursday for making you record on Thursday.
Speaker 1:We got to drop the episode on Sunday. Shit, this ain new.
Speaker 2:Record another episode on Sunday.
Speaker 1:This sounds slight. This sounds slight really.
Speaker 2:How was your weekend, bro? What was your week? I should say, I haven't seen you in a week.
Speaker 1:Weekend week everything, bro. Let's see what happened?
Speaker 2:What'd you do? What was crazy, Bro. This shit's just been busy, bro.
Speaker 1:Same thing Yep, yep Busy.
Speaker 2:We finally stopped having to work on the weekends Okay, good, I'm to work on the weekends. Okay, good, good, I'm pretty excited about that. Nice, nice, all right.
Speaker 1:All right, nothing too crazy, yeah nothing too crazy, but okay, right now we're like at the home stretch, so it's like we're trying to knock out everything that we can for the holiday before christmas like after christmas, we should be good bro, we can ride the rest of the year out okay but right now it's like crunch town so what is it?
Speaker 2:that's like that quarter or whatever, that's okay. It's like the last quarter.
Speaker 1:That's the, that's the boss said this is where we get the money.
Speaker 2:I'm still waiting on okay, okay, now that's pretty dope. Oh, to have like quarters, like sections of, or like a goal you could say like of what you're looking forward to, that's pretty cool. That's pretty cool um what about you, bro?
Speaker 1:how's your week?
Speaker 2:uh, not, same same old, same old, nothing, nothing too crazy. Um, yeah, nothing too crazy, it's just, it's just been work, um. But yeah, uh, I'll tell you, I finally saw that. Uh, the aliens movie the new one.
Speaker 1:The new one, uh, rummulous or something like that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, something like that. It's ass. You ain't like it, it's ass.
Speaker 1:Didn't it get a bad score?
Speaker 2:I don't know if it got a bad score, but it should.
Speaker 1:Editor pull it up.
Speaker 2:Pull it up. Jedidiah Put it up, pull it up. Yeah, it wasn't. You've seen the old Alien movies?
Speaker 1:right, I'm gonna be honest with you, I haven't watched it. Blasphemy, blasphemy, I know. Same with the Star Wars movies.
Speaker 2:I had to get the Chinese copy of it, bro. That's how much of a fan.
Speaker 1:I am the Chinese copy. It wasn't even the right actors. It was all like bootleg actors.
Speaker 2:Oh, half an hour with Bruce Lee fighting bro. Halfway through the movie I was like shit. I didn't know Bruce Lee was a Sith Lord, but no, it wasn't. Well, as someone who hasn't seen it at least for me, maybe because I seen it when I was little the Alien franchise was just, it was a scary movie without him. It's because of the scene.
Speaker 1:Damn that like well-known scene with the freaking face when the thing went out of it.
Speaker 2:That person, oh, yeah. When the little one, yeah, when the first, yeah, yeah, it, okay. So they did that in the movie, but okay. So, like you said, the classic scene you, you're right on that point. Classic scene, right, the, the xenomorphs coming out of the chest, okay, okay, it just pops out. You know, it's iconic In this move they drug that out for like a good 30 seconds, 34. It popped a little bit. She was twitching. Then popped his little head out, hey, and then slid all the way. I don't know what the fuck they thought they was doing with it.
Speaker 1:That was adding a little flavor to it but a little suspense. Yeah, they need little flavor to it but a little suspense. It ain't need that flavor. So it got an 80% on Rotten Tomatoes, and then the popcorn meter is an 85%.
Speaker 2:So that's good.
Speaker 1:It's good because the fans gave it an 85% and the critics from Rotten Tomatoes gave it an 80%.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:So it's a pretty decent movie according to the score.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they're fucking lying. I don't know what the fuck they talking about. Everybody fucking voted that way. Y'all never seen a good film in your life. Y'all never experienced cinema for what it is.
Speaker 1:All right, all right, we're going to put each other on the spot. Top three movies then.
Speaker 2:Top three movies. Uh-huh, top three movies. They're about to be like, yeah, three Bugs Life.
Speaker 1:What y'all think chat.
Speaker 2:Number two what y'all think? Hancock, huh, hancock.
Speaker 1:I was like Han and Han man, pee Wee.
Speaker 2:Pee Wee Herman in the movie theater bro oh yeah, I know all about my hand and my cock.
Speaker 1:Nope, wait a minute. My cock and my hand.
Speaker 2:I know everything about your cock and my hand that. So, um, number one, the one, the only Deadpool. Okay, deadpool was pretty good. Now I don't feel like. I don't feel like I'm nah, nah, nah, nah, it's good. No, but I have a more inception. I put inception in number one okay, okay that's me. You put those three movies. You got me distracted for at least nine hours all right, let me, let me think of my three.
Speaker 1:This All right. Three movies that I really liked was Gladiator Okay, gladiator was a good one, was it? Peter Jackson?
Speaker 2:King Kong Excellent, oh, and anybody says anything else, y'all can suck a dick bro. Oh, that is good, Y'all can eat my asshole.
Speaker 1:Oh, I'm going to say no, just for that. After hours podcast coming soon. The patreon, it was just such a.
Speaker 2:It's a long ass fucking movie, bro, but it was such a good movie. But it's one of those movies. Okay, it is long, but like you don't care, it's long, like you don't feel, like it keeps you on your. It keeps you yeah like the whole time you want to see what's, what's, what's gonna happen kind of like dark knight, dark night.
Speaker 2:That was so much fucking see, see, now we, now we gotta make an episode just on movies, because, now, because, because now you bring it up dark knight and low-key, well, I'll put it dark knight. Dark knight does go above. Um, you didn't like it. No, I loved it, I loved it.
Speaker 1:I re-watched that movie so many times. Which one was was it? There was one with Bane in it. Is that the same one that the Joker was in, or was that the different?
Speaker 2:one.
Speaker 1:No, that's the different one, that's the one after that, that's the one where he was going to blow up the football field or some shit where he had all them people hostage or whatever. I can't remember.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he had them hostage. I think it was, was in and everything okay yeah, that's that one. Um, yeah, because, um, the one with the joker, that was the one. Yeah, he didn't. Yeah, yeah, that was before. Yeah, that was all about the joker and stuff, but those, those are good to all of. Uh, uh, what's the actor's name? Um, damn, I forgot his name. If I said david blaine, I don't know why. I won't say dav Blaine for Batman, but no, who is the actor for Batman?
Speaker 1:which one? Because they done changed the actors the one for Bane, like Batman the Dark Knight. Yeah, the Dark Knight, it's that good actor.
Speaker 2:Oh my god, I forgot his name.
Speaker 1:That's such a good actor wait, the Dark Knight rises, or the it should be the same one for. Christian Bale.
Speaker 2:Christian Bale. There it is, there it is.
Speaker 1:Everybody else is like foaming Right right, they knew the answer.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I knew what I was saying. I don't know who.
Speaker 1:The fuck, batman is Bruh, because I knew it wasn't my fault what?
Speaker 2:You know who?
Speaker 1:I'm talking about the dude from Patterson. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the dude from Twilight yeah, he went from vampire to Batman.
Speaker 2:That shit crazy. His movie was good, though it was different, but it is good. I ain't gonna lie, I was hating on him at first when I first.
Speaker 1:Robert Pattinson.
Speaker 2:Robert Pattinson. Yeah, there you go.
Speaker 1:Sorry my fault. If y'all hear a dog, that's my husky. He's acting a little crazy, right?
Speaker 2:now, that's his Siberian, siberian husky right, what were you saying, sorry? No, no, you good. No, I just like. I just like his movie too. It was different, it was. It reminds me of Batman Beyond.
Speaker 1:I don't know if you ever watched that that's the one with, like the skinny Batman, I guess yeah skinny Batman with the. Like he had the black suit on, he had the red, he had the whole gimp suit on Right. Yeah, he had a whole gimp suit on that shit was.
Speaker 2:He dead low, can't have that on huh, that shit was like that, huh. The one, batman, with no cape. He didn't have a cape. Oh shit he didn't have a cape. He didn't have a cape. Batman, yeah, yeah, yeah, because the other one is the cartoon. I mean, they're both cartoons, but the other one is like more back in the day, type of.
Speaker 1:You talking about Justice League or the one where Adam West was?
Speaker 2:I think the one with Justice League, oh, okay, yeah, yeah, that one, I got him confused. Now I got him confused, that's all right, it'll be all right.
Speaker 1:But yeah, so yeah, I watched the Alien movies. You, you didn't like it. Nah, did not like it it was.
Speaker 2:The movie felt empty. It felt it lacked something, I don't know what. It didn't give me that sense of of urgency or something's coming behind you that's gonna get you. I don't know, they didn't give me that.
Speaker 1:I, how would what makes a good movie for you like what? What would like be the formula for you to have a good movie.
Speaker 2:Okay, so that's a good question, I think for me. Okay, so I'm watching an Aliens movie. It's not even a. Okay. Okay, hold on, hold on, let me backtrack, hold on.
Speaker 1:Let me get deep.
Speaker 2:No, no, I'm going to get deep with this.
Speaker 1:I'll be real quick on mine, real quick.
Speaker 2:Okay, go ahead.
Speaker 1:You just need titties If you can slip in the dick bro.
Speaker 2:Slip of dick in.
Speaker 1:Huh, slip of dick in On some Game of Thrones type shit.
Speaker 2:I was about to say I don't think I've seen any movies like that, but Zohan.
Speaker 1:Flap of penis gets me going, bro, huh.
Speaker 2:Huh, huh, what you mean by that. Yeah, I'm about to take that.
Speaker 1:Like Quentin Tarantino when he had that dude chained up, bro, and getting his eyes pound. Good story telling he's talking about Pulp.
Speaker 2:Fiction. He's talking about Pulp Fiction. No, no, no, the whole rapes. Nah, bro, that is good story telling okay, that, yeah, I'll give you that. I'll give you that. Then he called his homeboy. He called his homeboy mmm the whole set of hands and their pants when they watching that he's so lucky.
Speaker 1:Nah, I don watching that he's so lucky. Who said why?
Speaker 2:why? About to be living out their dreams with me?
Speaker 1:god, I seen what you do for other people no, no, y'all can take it.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, he'd be watching. Oh, he'd be watching those movies, oh yeah that's how you write good movies, bro. You gotta, you gotta who was just sitting there, Bro? You got to Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:Interesting, mm-hmm, I see what you did there. Scratching my Was twirling my balls the whole time watching that scene.
Speaker 2:You're pitching and rolling.
Speaker 1:Was just chilling, bro, that shit was entertaining. I said no, bro, they really going.
Speaker 2:Ooh Me watching that movie eight times back to back.
Speaker 1:Hold on, I didn't re-watch that. I didn't really. I didn't really understand that. My brain couldn't fathom this. Right this whole scene right here.
Speaker 2:I need to re-watch this just for this, just to understand, if you don't understand that part of the movie did you even watch the whole movie, main plot of the movie if we didn't enjoy that one scene?
Speaker 1:enjoy, enjoy, huh. Well, that's one of the best shots, uh, in cinema history.
Speaker 2:Right there, bro. Get back in everything, bro. I don't even know how they get someone to do that, like what you mean, like in the scene, like for the scene hey, bro, if I make it to.
Speaker 1:Hollywood and I just gotta Stretch it out one time bro. Fuck bro, you ain't gonna tell me twice bro. Nah, I'm waiting for my Hollywood star To be right there on the Hollywood.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:Walk of Fame, whatever.
Speaker 2:No, who said they want their? You want your stars in Hollywood.
Speaker 1:My handprint's gonna be my ass, bro. Gained Handprint with my butthole For blowing a kiss bro, no cap.
Speaker 2:Nah, some lips on the cement would be crazy. Shut up.
Speaker 1:Everybody locking up. Y'all are fucking disgusting.
Speaker 2:Hey where y'all going Come back, come back, come back, come back. We haven't even started. It's going to get good. We got to warm y'all up.
Speaker 1:We're just teasing y'all.
Speaker 2:We're just twirling your hair a little bit Chill out, chill out. It ain't even that serious. It ain't even that serious. It's jokes, it's jokes.
Speaker 1:What's that shit they do Look over and then I grab their chair and raise them up, just like that. Look at that.
Speaker 2:Now they stay there. Oh, that's heavy. Why that?
Speaker 1:shit work, though why is? That shit work, though no.
Speaker 2:Oh no. I'll be dead if I got wrist up right there, that one sound cuts out of nowhere Sin Sin, we had it. That one song, that one song, that one song, that one song, that one song, that one song, that one song, that one song, that one song, that one song, that one song, that one song, that one song, that one song, that one song, that one song, that one song, that one song, that one song, that one song. That one song, that one song, that one song, that one song.
Speaker 1:That one song, that one, we had it, we had it. But what's your formula then for a crazy movie?
Speaker 2:Good movie, bro. You got to have like bro. You got to have good storytelling. Like. You got to have me invest. You got to make me care about these characters. You going like I ain't go for any of them dog.
Speaker 1:But are you more of a? It's got to be in chronological order, like, let's not say, movie-wise.
Speaker 2:Okay, because chronological order like let's not. Let's not say movie wise okay, because you know star wars was like they was okay.
Speaker 1:Okay, I see what you're saying. All over the place type shit with their movies, um like like poke fiction type shit. Like you know, they're like play the scene and go back to another, go back to another. I like that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I don't mind that because I see that as like their art, like their art of doing the movie. I fuck with that. Something different. You know, I like it as long as it's done correctly, because you could have a straight line of storytelling and the storytelling be shit, like there's nothing for me to like. Okay, so they went this way, or they did this, but for some reason like, but like a Steven Seagal movie, but like you don't know what the fuck going on in that movie, bro.
Speaker 1:Like that type of shit, like hey, don't talk about Steven Seagal, that man take any man down to this day.
Speaker 2:To this day Sitting down.
Speaker 1:He's the original John Wick Come at me if y'all want bro.
Speaker 2:No, you're lying. Come at me if y'all want, bro?
Speaker 1:no, come at me. If y'all want, bro. Original John Wick.
Speaker 2:No, that's the original John Wick y'all ever seen a man kill another man while sitting down, you having the Steven Seagal movie?
Speaker 1:yeah, steven Seagal bro, my stepdad loved the Steven Seagal for real not even that, my little brother. That man was all about the Steven Seagal movies, bro bro they was onto something with their movies bro.
Speaker 2:So my mom used to like well, she probably still does too but so she liked them right, like his movies. But I started watching this YouTube dude and he be going over like movies and stuff and he has a whole like list of Steven Seagal movies and he goes over them. The amount of Straight glaze.
Speaker 2:Bro, the amount of straight glaze bro. No, no, no, like he he be calling out his bullshit, but he be reusing scenes in his movies like they're walking one way, recorded right. So then the show's like they're trying to show they're going the other way.
Speaker 1:It's the same scene, just inverted that is good videography, right y'all just hating that a man knows how to cut corners the right way. No, this video is actually in play. We're actually voice over everything, right now, this shit is not real time I see this chat.
Speaker 2:No, I get what you mean, though.
Speaker 1:No, it's, it's a, b class movie type it's a bollywood type class right there bro. No, no, no, no, no. Who's trying to say Bollywood good. Come on, bollywood deserves its crowns to give Bollywood their flowers today. You can't tell me that is not good cinematography, bro. They will put Steven Spielberg's best movie out the drive, bro, no cap. I wasn't even going to out the drive, bro, no cap.
Speaker 2:I ain't even going to make a joke, bro. I was going to make a joke, bro. Go ahead, go ahead.
Speaker 1:Say the joke. What's going to happen? The call center is going to call. What are they going to say, bro Chill?
Speaker 2:bro, they're going to cook for us, bro. Chill, they're going to cook for us bro.
Speaker 1:Chill cook for us. Bro too, they gonna cut our tacos de barbacoa with their toes, bro.
Speaker 2:I seen a dude do that flip the tortillas amazing, I tried it. I tried it. I can't do it. I tried it.
Speaker 1:I even got the celebrity dude. You know that one Indian dude he has like the glasses, the skinny dude he has, like his hair all, and then he does that thing where he like drops the liquid and he like sticks it. One Indian dude he has, like the glasses, the skinny dude he has, like his hair all, and then he does that thing where he like drops the liquid and he like sticks it near his tongue. Oh bro, at the restaurants, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh my.
Speaker 2:God, I seen him bro.
Speaker 1:Special guest, but I'm going to have him on this podcast one day bro.
Speaker 2:The smacking everything. He's just smacking the shit out of it, bro. Low-key. I will go just to watch this man work, bro. I want to see what his whole day involves. Like what is this all?
Speaker 1:he's doing all day. Yeah, I seen like at first he didn't have much views or whatever like much people. Now his shop be packed. Ain't nothing wrong with your power, bro. This man literally grabs it Smash.
Speaker 2:Smash that shit.
Speaker 1:Bam Stands up, opens the lid Right, opens up the lid Stands up to all his like knick-knack, jaw or whatever. Bro, his spam Bro, he got everything in there, Bro.
Speaker 2:I've never not seen him reach for something and it not be in there, bro.
Speaker 1:He knows exactly where everything is at things that he reaches in there. That's exactly what he needed.
Speaker 2:Fuck me over here looking for, uh, the screws I misplaced like two months ago. But I know I put them in here, but it'd be a tool right beside me. I'll be looking around, bro. I'll be looking around. Turn around three times. Look at my guy. Hey, y'all know what this tool is that right beside you, fucking dumbass. This dude never misses it, never, it, never. He never misses, he's all he's. He always knows where everything's at. He knows the solution to everything.
Speaker 1:Obviously he's something he cannot fix facts right, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm putting to the test, bro, whenever we go out to india, bro, for our tour right world tour and everything for the for the south asia tour that's right, the south asia tour.
Speaker 1:hey, my people, hey, I'm coming home. One day, bro, I'm coming home. I want to be greeted with flowers and everything. Send in the elephants. We're about to get trampled. We're about to get trampled. Those, my people, bro. I'm part Asian, bro, I kid you not. Matter of fact, I bought my ancestry kit, bro. It's coming Monday. Oh, yeah. That's right, that's right. Y'all going to see I'm part everything, what is it, bro?
Speaker 2:You say?
Speaker 1:you're part everything, part everything, bro, this man about to get the pass.
Speaker 2:This man about to get the pass right quick.
Speaker 1:I got all types of passes Fast pass, handicap pass.
Speaker 2:Bro, I need me a handicap pass. Bro, I'm tired of walking. I'm tired of walking to the store. Bro Bruh, All right.
Speaker 1:Stay with me, stay with me. All right, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.
Speaker 2:You got a handicap right Mm-hmm. It shows a wheelchair right Mm-hmm. So you're not even walking to the door. Why do you need to be closer?
Speaker 1:Damn. Hold on. Repeat that.
Speaker 2:So you got a handicapped ass right. Uh-huh, you got a wheelchair. Uh-huh, you're not even walking. Why do you need to park close to the store?
Speaker 1:Yeah, he lost it.
Speaker 2:You're not even walking. Look, look, I'm boning for not to.
Speaker 1:He lost it he lost it bro. I know a lot of people.
Speaker 2:I ain't gonna put no one on blast I know a couple y'all with some handicapped stickers on your license plate that motherfuckers be partying, walking around on the weekend, walking all good to the store.
Speaker 1:I see you throughout the whole store. No, no, as a matter of fact, let me double down bro.
Speaker 2:We about to say days, y'all be walking everywhere through walmart.
Speaker 1:Jesus worked miracles plenty of times, bro. I saw this person on one of them cart things that I guess like for people that can't walk or struggle walking. This person didn't.
Speaker 2:This person, I believe.
Speaker 1:They reached up and grabbed what they need. I said oh, y'all can't tell me, god ain't real bro.
Speaker 2:The power that Walmart has. It needs to be researched the ability for people to disregard their disabilities and walk.
Speaker 1:No, Walmart itself needs to be researched. Y'all worried about the ocean space? No, we're going to get to the bottom of the people that go to Walmart, like myself.
Speaker 2:I was about to say chill, chill. I go to Walmart. Chill, chill, chill.
Speaker 1:Matter of fact, bring back Walmart 24 hours please, bro.
Speaker 2:Walmart 24 hours is so close bro. Remember we used to go buy groceries 3 in the morning Bro.
Speaker 1:And we bought that chicken that smelled like ass.
Speaker 2:That's what we get for going to 3 in the morning.
Speaker 1:Damn, did I step in some shit the whole time. The whole store smelled like ass, bro, like straight Wait, did we for real? Yeah, we bought some bad chicken or something, bro. Like we went like around the whole store and it smelled like straight ass. We're like, oh dang, something must have happened in here.
Speaker 1:Clean they store whole town bro we had got some bad chicken from like one of the aisles or whatever, or like where all the chicken was at, and it didn't like it didn't smell until like later. And then when we're checking out that that shit smelled so bad, we're like dang, this cashier smells like straight ass bro. Hey yo, bro, you got to take a shit. You got to get rid of that funk, bro. There's a bathroom right there. Bro, Just go get you some toilet paper. Give it a couple wipes. Bro, Do your thing. Go get some of that soap splashing on there.
Speaker 2:Who was judging?
Speaker 1:the work. It just don't work no. Hey bro, three o'clock bro that don't mean you got to sting, bro, I'm just saying bro, Whole time like we were walking out, I was like you scared the bar, so you need this.
Speaker 1:We got in the car Damn, it smells like ass in here. I was like damn man, but we smell like ass. We got home they were like Smell like ass In the house. Gotta smell your top lip At that point. Oh fuck, that's right. So then we started Smelling each other's ass Down. Just that is true. I was there. Nah, bro, it's cause I never realized that the chicken was bad Like.
Speaker 1:I don't know what was wrong With that chicken, bro. And then we took it Out the bag and we were like Slimy, was I there bag. Was I there? Was I there?
Speaker 2:I don't remember if you were there when we went to the grocery store, but you were there at the house, I was there at the house.
Speaker 1:Because I remember you said something about. I think you said something about your mom had bought something one time and it was bad and you were like that. She said we should take it back, or some shit like that.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, that sounds right. That woman would send me to get it back.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's right as a little five-year-old me, I'm a food cashier person. My mom says we can't have this, bro, now you bought it. You can't take it back, bro.
Speaker 2:When she wants you to argue on her behalf. Tell me a bitch, Tell me a bitch. My mom said she doesn't like you, my mom's saying she don't like you, she don't like you, my mom, they going crazy. I'll beat his fucking ass right now. Tell him. Tell him you a bitch. Tell him, go ahead. Yeah, let me figure out how to translate that right quick. Yeah.
Speaker 1:At least you can translate it, bro Me. On the other hand, bro, I look goofy as fuck. Fuck, bro, because I didn't know how to speak spanish.
Speaker 2:That good oh, they would tell you to translate too bro, they try bro, they try. What does this mean? You start telling her in english.
Speaker 1:You start telling her she look at you like what she didn't take your medicine every at least two, two times a day, one time in the morning, one time in the afternoon. It's que dice, que um, the medicine, la medicina. I was like, uh, two times, dos, dos, dos, dos times. Nah, bro, I fucking hated it. Bro, shout out my cousin Grease. Bro, for real, shout out my cousin.
Speaker 2:She was the translator of the house.
Speaker 1:She was the translator of the house. Bro. No cap bro. You want somebody that's gonna argue on the phone With telemarketers.
Speaker 2:Oh she be arguing, and shit she be arguing. Oh, she a real one for that. She a real one for that.
Speaker 1:Shout out my cousin Grease.
Speaker 2:Oh.
Speaker 1:Not me, though I couldn't do it, bro. Bro, tell me why my cousin's wife had to translate for my aunt when some lady had to come to the house. For some reason I forgot they were talking about Some issue or something.
Speaker 1:Whole white lady was translating Spanish rather than me. Bro, I'm over here sitting there like mm-hmm. She's saying it right. I would have said it like me. She said exactly what I was going to say. I was just about to tell you that You're doing so good. Me personally, I would have changed that word to this word, but we're going to let that. We're going to deduct like five points.
Speaker 2:You could have done better Next time. Hey, next time is I Not all it's, I Start giving her tips and shit. No, bro, it be crazy when you do find like a hey, you should be the white ladies too. Start coming out with that crazy Spanish bro, bro, they be speaking though. Bro, they be doing that, they be doing that.
Speaker 1:Them ladies from Litas bro, no cap bro.
Speaker 2:You find your little white girl Litas, all right.
Speaker 1:Little.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:What'd I say? Them bitches are the size of a dually truck, bro. No cap. I went one time, bro. Them skinny ass Mexican dudes bro, be eyeballing you the whole time, thinking you trying to take they girl bro, I'm like.
Speaker 2:Chill my boy. That's all you. That's all you.
Speaker 1:Hey, bro, ain't nobody gonna take your truck, bro, Ain't nobody take your ride. My boy, him, grabbing his keys, beeping at his girlfriend, ayo, bro, nah, nah, bitch beeping when she walking backwards.
Speaker 2:Beep, beep, damn All right, they know Spanish, though they know Spanish, they know you on the modelo.
Speaker 1:They know Spanish or them dudes want papers. That bad bro, no cap bro.
Speaker 2:They be the skinny motherfuckers too, bro.
Speaker 1:Skinny bro Just straight crossed over from Mexico. Bro, no cap bro Fresh as bro. No cap bro, fresh as fuck, though sometimes ain't even alive, bro they do be having that shit on bro.
Speaker 2:They do be having that shit. They be having that shit on bro.
Speaker 1:Don't even know what it is got the button on, got the button up, got the two buttons undone. I was like shit, my fault with with the chains, with that.
Speaker 2:With them big ass chains, right with them big ass silver chains. Bro, shit turn that neck green shit, shit peeling off in the back.
Speaker 1:She talking about something. Come here Poppy Chew low.
Speaker 2:Shit, you can't tell me some shit like that. Keep your girl on lock because I about walk that way, bro.
Speaker 1:You see that over there he's standing up Me pushing his shoulder back. There she's talking to me, nah. She's talking to me, little man Bro you used him to get up.
Speaker 2:You used him to stand up bro.
Speaker 1:He's the best in Chris. Watch out, little bro.
Speaker 2:Nah, bro, but that was a lot of his plays bro.
Speaker 1:No, you talking about you. Okay with sharing that one story about your, about Boss man having to go get his stuff done, and then you had to translate.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll talk about it All right go ahead.
Speaker 1:Okay, so my dad, he had a vasectomy done, right, he calls me, he calls me talking about you.
Speaker 2:Know, I'm about to get this procedure done, Okay, okay you know yeah he tells me I'm going to go in there for a vasectomy.
Speaker 1:Okay, you know.
Speaker 2:Good luck. Yeah, I was wondering if you can translate for me. I look at Jared. Hey yo, Jared, how much, bro? How much for you to go, bro Jared? Look at me Can't even do it. You only got enough. You only got enough.
Speaker 1:Jared, Jared, Jared, how Jared Me slamming that Jackson to his phone, bro, For $20 $20 make a lot happen, bro, with the five for it up in the Fold the Jackson 20. I mean two times, to make a little like $40,. Bro, I fell for that one time Good old I was about to say good old man, fool me when I was jumping, not no more.
Speaker 2:How you taking your pocket for the other 20 the whole day. No, they ain't Got you chained up in here. Shit, it's still a two-inch. I'm over here stretching this bitch out, tell everybody don't move, don't move. There's a 20 around here. There's a 20 around here. Don't body fucking move, that's not a 20. Talking about enemies in your pocket, empty everything out of your pockets.
Speaker 1:Oh, have somebody sitting on the couch. Be mad as hell.
Speaker 2:Oh I know it's unreal, but they don't want to move.
Speaker 1:They don't want to get up. I know they. They really robbed me. I've been plotting in the hallway the whole time.
Speaker 2:You mad as hell, you fucking mad as hell.
Speaker 1:Hey, dude, y'all motherfuckers broke. Y'all really plotting on my down.
Speaker 2:You go to your room, shut your door. You shut your door.
Speaker 1:You just talking shit to the door matter of fact, keep that 20 bitch, say that shit fucking hate y'all they going into my pillow oh, we all did the same thing my fault. Go ahead, tell your story, bro, my fault. I hear a bunch of chairs rattling. It's like, yeah, my fault, I'm moving my fault. Go ahead and tell your story, bro, my fault, I hear a bunch of chairs rattling. Yeah, my fault, I'm moving, my fault.
Speaker 2:Oh Jesus. So so you know, I pulled up Translated Professional Professional.
Speaker 1:Had to get the professional translator.
Speaker 2:And uh.
Speaker 1:On some Telemundo shit, bro. So they talking, talking, right I'm translating.
Speaker 2:They said they're going to snip your ass. You know they're going to do this. Doctor looked straight at me. Tell him we got to jerk off about 40 times before we get here.
Speaker 1:God damn. Doctor said you got to set a world record Fuck. You got to champ Fuck. He said a champ, Fuck.
Speaker 2:He said he need you empty. He said I'm coming to you, duh, I was like shooting blames, bro Bro out of nowhere. That man look at me dead in the eyes out of nowhere. She told me, man the process, how the fuck? I say Jack off in Spanish. I'm over here like oh fuck. Medical terms, medical terms.
Speaker 1:Me getting a hood.
Speaker 2:Translate no 40 40 times.
Speaker 1:Oh shit.
Speaker 2:Bro, to this day. That shit is the worst bro. That man called me gay. I be, I don't know, that's the man that man called me.
Speaker 1:Ooh, how'd you correct it, though you said you he didn't understand what you meant, or?
Speaker 2:something. Yeah, I feel like he was just.
Speaker 1:Trying to play you up bro.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he knew what I meant, bro, but I was like my suit, I trying to play you up, bro. Yeah, he knew what I meant, but I was like I started doing the side, I didn't know what to do. He finally understood. He's like okay, he's moved on. All right, cool bitch.
Speaker 1:Man, he didn't even flinch. When you said flinch man, he didn't even flinch. I said hold up.
Speaker 2:Man, he flinched. I'm 40. Shit oh you're talking about. Oh, another day.
Speaker 1:Oh man, I would have been like no neck J bro. I'd be like 40. 40. You get two or three out of me, bro. I'm calling it a week. My toe's going to be cramped.
Speaker 2:That's too much boss. That's too much boss, that's too much, he said. He said, oh, you want me to slow that down.
Speaker 1:I usually do. I work with you that 40 times.
Speaker 2:Shit, I'm thirsty After the first one Talking about 40. At least that big ol' Got a fundi agua Out there. Hold one gallon, bro, bro, damn bro so you had to.
Speaker 1:How to translate. 40 times, bro. 40 times bro. Got our funde agua out there. Hold one gallon, bro. Bro Damn bruh, he had to be in the shed 40 times 40 times bruh.
Speaker 2:What a day. What a day. Yeah, one day to do. He had one day Talking about tomorrow, come here, come here, dry tomorrow.
Speaker 1:The man said, yeah, I did it. Good thing he got five kids no videos, no magazines, no nothing.
Speaker 2:Just straight imagination. Straight Straight imagination.
Speaker 1:Straight imagination. Nah, nah, nah, hold on you down, bad as hell. You just jacked off Off of imagination, bro you.
Speaker 2:Just butt it, just stand it, not even laying down, just stand it. Gotta get it done, gotta get it done.
Speaker 1:Uh huh, uh huh. Oh shit, I had to translate that shit, bro, till the I'm like Nah, bro gotta get it done.
Speaker 2:Uh huh, uh huh, fuck oh shit, I had to translate that shit. But I'm like, nah bro, we don't, we can't talk the same after this, my boy.
Speaker 1:But I remember something like that, like well, it wasn't like that. But I remember one time like in 5th grade I had to go get my physical and everybody, like in school, was like oh, they're going to touch your balls, they're going to touch your balls.
Speaker 2:Oh, I remember that the whole time.
Speaker 1:I was like bruh, they lying, they just trying to scare me, they just trying to hype me up, make me think some dude's going to grab my balls. Bro Me over here. Hee, hee, hee. I hope he does. I'm over excited. I'm over getting shaven Shaving in fifth grade. Make sure I'm nice and professional for my first date. Pull up, pull up, no, not even cologne I put like aftershave, I think it was cologne Axe.
Speaker 1:body spray on your chin Me over here getting prepped for my first date, shit, and I'm new to this, nah. And then I'm new to this, it is bro, but I was like, nah, they just capping bro. So you know, I showered finally, you know, finally it's crazy, my once a week shower at the time talking about fuck, I take it early.
Speaker 1:I guess I take your shower and then you know I get there and you know they're like telling me like move my arms, or some bullshit check my reflexes or whatever. And then she's like all right, I need you to lay down and pull your boxes down.
Speaker 2:I'm like oh shit me the whole time, say damn.
Speaker 1:I thought they was playing brah brother. Fear my eyes when I looked at that lady. She's like inside my head, bro. It was like a whole different scene played out.
Speaker 1:I'm gonna have to touch them. And she was like are you okay with your aunt being in here? I'm like oh, I was like, bro, I guess there's no option, there's nothing I could do. But my aunt, she was just like I don't even want to be in here. So I guess she had to turn around or some bullshit, and then I had to lay down on the paper. All I heard was as you lay down. Yeah, laying on that fucking piece of shit, ass fucking one ply toilet paper, ass shit bro.
Speaker 2:I don't know what that paper's there for.
Speaker 1:And then you my thing. I pulled my pants down, she pulled the thing over me. She's like. She's like what she say, it might be a little cold or some shit like that Me. Look at her, it's okay. I know it's your first time. I know it's your first time getting a pair of brown balls on your head. I know it's your first time getting some good balls in for you no she looked at me.
Speaker 1:She was like I'm not trying to do anything to you, I'm not. And I was like, uh-huh, that's what they all say.
Speaker 2:My shit would have got bricked up right there.
Speaker 1:That's the same thing the pastor told me. Nah pastor.
Speaker 2:That's the same thing, he. Come on, man, I ain't new to this. We Monday. It's Monday today.
Speaker 1:Come on nah, but she was like. She was like if I make you feel uncomfortable in any way, you know, just tell me I'm like, okay you know. So she's over. She's over like twirling my shit like a fushigi ball. Right like them invisible like them.
Speaker 2:Uh, at the time she was like one ball.
Speaker 1:She was like what that say? She was twirling that thing moving around pinching started doing tricks on her.
Speaker 2:She was doing all types of things about the buzz.
Speaker 1:I was like, lady, you got about five seconds.
Speaker 2:You got about five seconds before I figure out what coming started grabbing her hand, hold it on way, blow a little it off.
Speaker 1:I was over and curling my toes, shit Hitting my teeth, baseball, baseball, baseball, baseball. So I'm like damn bro and I'm sorry about that. We had a little bit of technical difficulties with the camera. It decided to shut off on us and I'm like damn bro and sorry about that. We had a little bit of technical difficulties with the camera. It decided to shut off on us, and I'm trying to get some video footage for everybody to see our beautiful, handsome faces Right, as well as the beautiful backdrop that we got.
Speaker 2:Chanel.
Speaker 1:And for y'all to see this amazing lighting that we have Givenchy, givenchy light?
Speaker 2:No, but where lighting that we have Givenchy, givenchy light.
Speaker 1:No, but where was I at? I was talking about.
Speaker 2:About you almost busting on the nurse.
Speaker 1:That get to the part where she stuck a finger in my ass, bro.
Speaker 2:No, not yet.
Speaker 1:Alright, alright. So there I was.
Speaker 2:There she was.
Speaker 1:There I was, barbecue sauce on my titties.
Speaker 2:I wore a buffalo sauce myself.
Speaker 1:Nah, bro, but she like, like I said, bro, she was like grabbing my balls or whatever, or whatever I had at the time, bro, it was cold in there, so you know you get what you get.
Speaker 2:You get what you get. It's cold. Turn up the heat, rub them a little bit. Rub them a little bit. Rub him a little bit, I'll blow on him. Don't do that.
Speaker 1:I'll push you off. I'll be like, oh disgusting, turn around, go to sleep, pull that little one-ply paper on you, butt-ass naked. Ass crack out. So, like I said, she was like checking everything, and then she finished, and then she like she was like, okay, you can pull your pants up now, bro. Let me tell you, bro, I had the craziest dreams that night, bro, she was still playing my balls and everything bro.
Speaker 2:It was crazy.
Speaker 1:Wet dreams for like about a week, bro. No cap Bro. I went to school the next day. Looked there, I went to school the next day.
Speaker 2:Look there, that's right. That's right. I got jacked off she was, she was like she said my balls were this big, she said she had the biggest pair of balls she ever had me hyping it up she said I was I had the biggest, the biggest dong, the biggest wee wee ever the biggest wee wee. That shit was my kneecaps that shit was to my kneecaps, bro. That shit was crazy. They had to bring you two more nurses. One of them was a guy. He said damn, bro, that be all that's a grown-ass man.
Speaker 1:What?
Speaker 2:can I say bro?
Speaker 1:It's bigger than mine. It's a little chilly in here, but what can I?
Speaker 2:say Catch me on the Sunday morning on june, june afternoon you think that's crazy making 72 degrees.
Speaker 1:No, bro, but that's pretty much how it went for me, where I was like damn what kind of uh?
Speaker 2:how did your nurse uh? It was like uh, was she young, was she oh?
Speaker 1:she was like oh, she was like probably like late 40s, early 50s type deal. So she had experience, bro. Right, she knew what she was like probably like late 40s, early 50s type deal.
Speaker 2:So she had experience, bro, right, she knew what she was doing, right.
Speaker 1:So she knew how to handle some balls bro If I could give a Google review to this day, I'd say best nurse around. She could handle some balls really well Very professional.
Speaker 2:She knows how to juggle. She knows how to twirl on that bitch's shoes over here, Damn.
Speaker 1:She was doing some tricks but I said damn, didn't even touch my dick once. Hold the fuck up, didn't touch my dick once. She was like. She was like, managed to pull my balls back down. She clipped her tux. She's just all balls right. Damn bro. Nah bro, she do got skills, huh.
Speaker 2:Bro, I had an old lady for mine too, bro. Oh, for she do got skills, huh, Bruh. I had an old lady For mine too, bro.
Speaker 1:Oh, for real.
Speaker 2:What happened with you? Bitch's hand was cold as fuck, she told me, damn.
Speaker 1:My shit got stripped Instantly, bro. That shit said Ooh.
Speaker 2:That shit retracted Inside of me. She said, uh-uh, where you going? That was our boss.
Speaker 1:No dick, pulled them things down. Got like a clamp, like a chip clamp or something. Clamped them down.
Speaker 2:Had to preserve the back of the chips.
Speaker 1:Nah, she got like that cock ring, but instead for like your balls or whatever. Bro, first time I had it on she had that.
Speaker 2:She had a rubber band For her.
Speaker 1:Hair tie.
Speaker 2:She had a hair tie Strapped around my balls, put them on the table. They haven't came back to the original size ever since then. They just been hanging, just walk around like bad grandpa nuts just out of my body. Just got things, just got things. Oh bro, I was, since I was a little horny bastard when I was little. I went in little horny bastard when I was little. I went in there thinking, oh yeah, oh yeah, this is it right here. This is all lady gonna get it, this is all lady about to get it, who had a whole porno scene play out in their head.
Speaker 1:she was like Mr Martinez, could you please lay down? Wow, mr Martinez, that's such a big package. What can I say? I can't blame you for what you do after this behind this closed door oh, oh.
Speaker 2:Lisa ann poinsettia started playing my hair. It had got to me already it had it was. I was done for. I was done for nut. She was stuck to the wall like spider-man. They had a college security it was my first checkup. Nah.
Speaker 1:I'm still waiting on my colonoscopy. Nah, I'm waiting this crazy I'm waiting, this crazy I'm gonna bust a nut On purpose. I'll leave a five dollar bill Crumpled up on the table. Bite of something nice. I appreciate it. Trace yourself.
Speaker 2:Don't even look at him. Don't even look at him.
Speaker 1:Dirty bitch. I'm still waiting on it, bro, I'm gonna go crazy.
Speaker 2:My first colonoscopy bro, I'm gonna be mo it bro, I'm gonna go crazy In my first colonoscopy, bro.
Speaker 1:Nope, I'm gonna be moaning, bro, the whole time.
Speaker 2:Damn Wait, bro wait.
Speaker 1:Go ahead. I'm ready for the next one. I'm ready for the next one. Go, go, go, go, go, go go. He ain't got to put lube. Just spit on it, bro, just spit on it bro.
Speaker 2:Nah, they say when the doctor goes in and then he claps. When the doctor checks you and then he tells you look no hands. He's like all right, I'm in now. I see both of his hands.
Speaker 1:I see both of his hands, right here beside my head. He's sitting there.
Speaker 2:Hey, don't turn it up. Hey, don't turn it up. Lights them down.
Speaker 1:Puts a fireplace On that little TV.
Speaker 2:There's Chris Playing in the background.
Speaker 1:Oh my god, beautiful time to be alive, bro.
Speaker 2:What are y'all?
Speaker 1:Looking forward to it, though Shit gonna be a movie. Gonna be an experience. I'm gonna let y'all know how my first colonoscopy went.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna stick a camera in there. They gonna have you waiting. I'm gonna have. Y'all know how my first colonoscopy went. I'm gonna stick a camera in there. They're gonna have you waiting. I'm gonna already have a camera set up. Oh man, I'm gonna have two. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna have one inside of me. I'm gonna have to angle you from down here. I hate that. I hate that point of view. I hate when they show that shit, damn bro, your ass don't look good Go bleach your shit, bro.
Speaker 2:Motherfuckers be having granos on their ass.
Speaker 1:Change the camera, but you're not saying it's wrinkly, wrinkly bro.
Speaker 2:You start judging the dude. All right, bro, you need to hydrate more. Your shit flaking. Your shit flaking back here.
Speaker 1:Chafing a little bit, bro, can't even enjoy the rest of the video.
Speaker 2:You just judging? I hope that's not how I look. Why are you trimming like that?
Speaker 1:Why are you shaving the whole thing? You missed a couple spots right there, bro. You missed the culito hair, bro. Got like a Got like a goatee patch From the gooch back.
Speaker 2:It's got dark spots Under the mouth. Shit don't even look good.
Speaker 1:Oh shit.
Speaker 2:Oh, my god. Well, this brings us To our topic of the day. That leads us to our Subject of the day.
Speaker 1:Let them know what the topic of Cosmic Cove Is gonna be.
Speaker 2:Insects.
Speaker 1:Incest. That's right, let's go.
Speaker 2:Incest. That's right. That's right. That's what I meant to do Today's subject is incest.
Speaker 1:So let me tell you about incest, let me tell you the benefits of being Benefits is crazy, and that's your arm. Why I go across the. How does it go?
Speaker 2:Why I think it's like I know the ending why I go to I know this isn't the right one, but why I go to another house when you can go across the room? No, no, no, yeah, yeah, something like that why go to another state when you can go across the road? Why go across the road when you can go across?
Speaker 1:the hallway, something bullshit like that.
Speaker 2:People from Alabama, let us know.
Speaker 1:Let us know Alabama. Let us know how that is. No, I'm just joking.
Speaker 2:Get off this bullshit that one dude. Oh okay, we talking about good stuff today. Everybody parked up now.
Speaker 1:This is what I'm here for Now, today's subject is insects, bugs, right, whatever.
Speaker 2:y'all want to call them, little critters, little critters. So I looked up some bugs. They were. Well, I'm going to give a little background, a little background why I was interested some bugs. They were. Well, I'm gonna give a little background, a little background why I was interested in bugs. So I wanted to research bugs, cause I'm allergic to bees, so I wanted to find some cool information. But in the process of finding cool information about bees, I got sidetracked and found no information about bees but instead found a bunch of cool bugs that I think are kinda looking crazy. Kinda Found a bunch of cool bugs that I think are kind of looking crazy, kind of you know something out there. So, yeah, that's what my I'm talking about.
Speaker 1:You want to lay it off with your? You got six bugs.
Speaker 2:I got six.
Speaker 1:I got six.
Speaker 2:I think we're going to do two, though, all right. All right, I think we'll do two. So just a little fun fact. Entomophobia, also known as insectophobia, is an intense and irrational fear of insects. I didn't think people were scared of. I know what is it. Arachnophobia, I knew about that. That's valid them fuckers. Look, I don't know if you remember. I told you one time I left my window in my room open one time and a big ass wolf spider, this bitch got in this bitch at the house.
Speaker 1:I gotta burn the whole place down Bro.
Speaker 2:So I was laying there with Shawty, right, we're cutting up and everything, and I feel like something's looking at me and I'm like what the fuck? I had this old woman feeling something looking at me and I had a dress shirt that's on right there and I'm looking at it and there's like something beside it. I'm like what the fuck is that? I cut on the light. It's a fucking wolf spider Bro. Six, six inches bro, like that's pretty big. Somebody said the biggest. It was like nah, that thing's fucking colossal.
Speaker 2:That shit, fucking bro, you got a fucking cannon on you bro. That's like a whole third leg. That's like 12 inches, almost. No, that motherfucker, it was bigger than my hand, bro. It's probably like nah, bro, it's probably about nine inches bro.
Speaker 1:I didn't know they got that big, but I did know.
Speaker 2:I do believe you because I did see one that was like a good size, not that big, but it was like.
Speaker 1:I was like, damn, I didn't know they got that fucking big Bro.
Speaker 2:the biggest one I've seen was probably.
Speaker 1:It fit on your palm.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it fit on my palm, bro. In my palm this one was bigger than my hand, bro. Fuck, no, bro. So I grabbed that chocolate and hit that motherfucker right quick. Motherfucker, curled up, curled up.
Speaker 1:That's it. That's all it took. Stood around him, that's right.
Speaker 2:Started hopping up.
Speaker 1:Looked at him. That's right. World star, that's right.
Speaker 2:That's it. That shit was a worry, bro. That was during the summer, I remember, because I left my window open because it was hot. That's when that motherfucker came in, bro. I left, remember? I understand that I ain't scared of spiders, but shit, that shit put a little bad phobia on me, bro. That shit was crazy. So, uh, my first topic is the Brazilian tree hopper. What?
Speaker 1:is that.
Speaker 2:So I'm going to show you a picture here. So essentially, this was one of the inspirations Hold on I had it right here Maha Aroga for Jujutsu Kaisen. Oh, okay, that was like the inspiration A little bit. That's what people say. I couldn't find anything credible because I seen a post about it, so I went and do a little bit of research but I couldn't find anything credible saying that that was the sole inspiration behind that character, yeah, yeah, whoever you like yeah, the creators, whatever.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the artists, whatever. Um, so, uh, yeah, let me show you, let me show you a quick picture, uh, of it, but uh, it, it doesn't. It doesn't look like, uh, well, it does look like a regular grasshopper, but it just has the the things that that he has floating around him, like those black orbs. Okay, that's what it has on his head, my bad me. Uh, brazilian treehopper. There you go, that's a better picture oh shit, I ain't never seen that before.
Speaker 2:Right right, that's something crazy, something crazy. So yeah, so yeah, uh it, it's a species of plant-eating insect and it's just famous because seen that before. Right Right, that's something crazy, something crazy. So yeah, so yeah, it's a species of plant eating insect and it's just famous because of the unusual, as you've seen, the unusual body shape, and it has a global appendage that's emerging from its neck region which, according to the researchers, have a purpose.
Speaker 2:They are not aware of. So in my opinion, that's where it holds all the energy. That that's. If they can't find a reason for it, I know the reason for it it's for the super move. And just just a little fun fact about it they don't jump damn, they look like they jump right, it's a grasshopper. Don't jump, they don't jump damn, that's crazy but yeah, that was just.
Speaker 2:Uh, that's one of the little things I've seen. Uh, yeah, that was just. That was one of the little things I seen. Yeah, it was just little. I seen it, cause that's what I started looking Like. I started doing little research and I seen it. I was like Ain't, no way, this is an actual inspiration. But yeah, that's what they got in Brazil, bro.
Speaker 1:That's what they got. Oh, it's in Brazil. Yeah, it's Brazil. Yeah, yeah, I can keep that in Brazil, bro, don't bring that shit over here. It's bad enough. We got to deal with roaches and then they fly. Hell no bro.
Speaker 2:I ain't never seen them flying roaches. You don't want to see them. I ain't never seen that, bro. This is the last thing you see, bro. That's, it Touches you dead. It's like the slug, it's like the snail. Finally woke up. Skyrim intro. Dragon comes in and attacks.
Speaker 1:What else you got for it?
Speaker 2:No, that was it. That was just my starter. That was going to be my starter one.
Speaker 1:Are they like territorial or anything like?
Speaker 2:that I actually didn't find anything about being territorial or anything like that, I just mainly looked at it for the fact that it resembled a character. And I just wanted to see if it actually was true, because, like I said, with the Xen, the xenomorphs, oh so the xenomorphs were, they also had inspiration from ants I didn't know that, so so I looked that up also, but I couldn't find the concrete, concrete evidence, because they told me it was I guess you can kind of see it yes I guess from the sleek design of them like the black, Like the build, yeah, like the build.
Speaker 2:But I looked some more information up and what it did say it was based off this other artist's art and books and other stuff. That's what it drew the inspiration of. So I had to type in like did the ants inspire the xenomorph design? That's when it started giving me stuff. So I don't think it's.
Speaker 1:Okay, it started going like going down the rabbit hole.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah yeah, it felt more conspiracy theory than actual.
Speaker 1:Speculation yeah speculation.
Speaker 2:There you go, speculation Okay.
Speaker 1:So my first one that I picked was the ultimate, you already know, praying mantis. Okay, Tight shit, tight shit Okay okay, I thought they were pretty cool. I like the praying mantises.
Speaker 2:I like them.
Speaker 1:So praying mantises are predatory insects named for their prayer-like stance. They're usually green or brown, with long bodies, triangular heads and large compound eyes, and they're actually like around the whole world. Pretty much they're like in Europe, asia, africa and North America.
Speaker 2:So that's pretty cool, like the fact that you have an insect that's around like everywhere.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like I never thought like yeah, right, or like they'd have, like like we could have roaches here and then they'll be like roaches over there, but they'll be like a different type of roach yeah, different type of roach, yeah well, I don't know about the the mantises mantises, but I think they're all the same. I mean, I'm sure there's differences, differences here and there, but not too much of a difference. But they're carnivorous. They eat other insects like flies, grasshoppers, even small lizards or birds. They ambush predators using their camouflage to blend into vegetation.
Speaker 2:Hold on Like little tiny ones, bro, but still though Like a baby bird, because you know some of them get pretty big. Yeah, some of them are big Like okay, okay.
Speaker 1:Damn, and we're back. Sorry about that, y'all. Freaking camera died so we had to let it cool off for a little bit, but we're back now. We should be good to go for a while longer again, maybe 40 minutes. I gotta work on that camera. Again, I was talking about the praying mantises and then that they're territorial. Well, they're very territorial.
Speaker 2:Is it the males? Males or females are territorial, I don't know. I think it's both. I think it's both of them.
Speaker 1:I know that the females cut the man's hair or some shit like that After the sex.
Speaker 2:I seen their video. So this dude has praying mantis as pets. So I don't know pets, but you know he take care of them, whatever. So he has this big female and then he has two males in one, like in one terrarium or whatever. So he introduced the female into the terrarium, bitch, cut the head off one Started eating him. Other dude came from the back, started hitting that shit While she was eating While she was eating the other dude.
Speaker 1:Hold on, he might be on to something bro.
Speaker 2:Hold on, that shit was crazy, bro. Shit was brutal. Shit was brutal. I thought I was a freak. What a way to go, what a way, what a way to go, what a life. Imagine if we had like the habits of, like of insects and you know you talk Right, you pull it to the club, you know. You vibing you vibing, you vibing, right, hit that, hit that shit.
Speaker 1:Eat that repent Right.
Speaker 2:That's a classic. Everybody was doing that shit Back in the day. So Shadi walks in. Baddest, the baddest, baddest in the whole, in the whole city. The baddest Pulls up. It's you and your homeboy. She sees one of y'all.
Speaker 1:Right, we chilling, we over grooving.
Speaker 2:Bites your head off. Your homie comes from the back. Start hitting that shit.
Speaker 1:Start hitting that shit, tears of sadness.
Speaker 2:This is what he wanted. He would have done the same.
Speaker 1:Get a face shot of my face, me smiling the whole time. Manage the nod one more time.
Speaker 2:Understandable.
Speaker 1:Damn bro. That's crazy, though, how they do stuff like that.
Speaker 2:Bro, that is.
Speaker 1:Them insects don't know what they're doing bro.
Speaker 2:Bro, that. What is the purpose behind this, though?
Speaker 1:I don't know why they do that. Oh, never mind. It says right here. It says unfortunately for the, the males mating often ends with the female eating the male for nutrients, oh for nutrients mid fuck mid fuck bro, understandable so they actually have benefits to humans. They help control pest population in gardens and farms, making them a natural form of pest management. Okay, okay, so if y'all ever have stuff, bunch of bugs or whatever- get you some praying mantises.
Speaker 2:Let out the praying mantises. Got a whole dog collar with spikes on it, cannon boy. Second one Goes after. The little fly Cuts him in half.
Speaker 1:A little fun fact about them Mantises can rotate their heads 180 degrees to scan for prey or threat.
Speaker 2:Damn Like an owl.
Speaker 1:So the other mantis that was hitting it from the back, she really could have just turned her head and just made eye contact. She looked back at it. She looked back at it. Imagine, bro you with your boy, and then you're chilling bro he hit it from the back and shorty just turned her head the other way. Yeah, you got that, you hitting that.
Speaker 2:You hitting that spot, you hitting that place, you, you hitting that spot, you hitting that place, you hitting that location.
Speaker 1:Nah, that's all I got, though, bro. That's all you got on that, yeah you got it For praying mantis, Okay, okay.
Speaker 2:So my next topic was going to be the Antarctic scale worm. So for those, y'all might know what it is, but for those that don't, it looks like a. How would you describe this? Imagine this. Imagine the tip of a penis. Just imagine that Tip of a penis with a feather duster attached to it. Am I wrong? What the fuck are you talking about? Am?
Speaker 1:I wrong.
Speaker 2:Don't you mean, am I wrong? A penis with a feather duster attached?
Speaker 1:to it. Hold on, bro, you might be onto something Low key. It's a tip I can see.
Speaker 2:I'll tip, I'll tip, I'll tell them my search history Does it really look like that.
Speaker 1:Pull that tip.
Speaker 2:So this Antarctic scale worm? If you think it's a slithery little thing, it's not, it's not. You can find this bizarre creature on the Arctic Ocean floor with rows upon rows of protective scales covering it. Scales, I guess those are scales. The scales act as a defense mechanism against ocean predators, and while few people know about their feeding habits, researchers have suggested that they are active hunters.
Speaker 1:It's a hunter, I can see it. That shit look like a legendary Pokemon bro.
Speaker 2:Right that shit be shining. They stalk and capture the prey instead of scavenging for food. They some real killers. Out there, bro. This is all on the ocean floor, bro. Damn they just out here fighting that shit, bro. It isn't a small slimy creature. It can grow up to a whopping emphasis on whopping seven inches.
Speaker 1:That's right, that's right.
Speaker 2:That's right. They could have said five or seven, I'll settle for seven.
Speaker 1:That's right. Wait, you said whopping seven. It should have been whopping five yeah, they weren't lying. Seven too much. A huge, gigantic five inches, yeah, that sounds about right. Huge, gigantic five inches, yeah that's how I'm about right. An enormous, an enormous five inches oh my gosh, can you believe it's five inches can?
Speaker 2:you believe it's not butter. Five inches, a strong five inches a nice hard five inches taxes five inches.
Speaker 1:Puts food on the table five inches.
Speaker 2:Ask you how your day is five inches. Gets your feet rung. Five inches Answers on the first ring. Five inches. All right, it's um, okay, so it's just it's, it's a little freaky, it has a proboscis. Same thing um mosquitoes have. Uh, it's, it's part of his mouth and it's just, it just sucks up. Yeah, so that's the way it feeds my nose got spinning off, okay, yeah.
Speaker 1:But yeah that's it.
Speaker 2:It's just a little killer.
Speaker 1:So it's a sea creature? Then right, it's a little sea creature, oh okay.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's not up in land, it is on Antarctic. Damn, I don't know how I'm trying to say where it's on its seafloor.
Speaker 1:Damn that is crazy. So it's a sign for those flat weather, cold as water.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm, yeah, all these scales.
Speaker 1:I'm going to put a picture of that on the yeah. So yeah, y'all want pictures of these insects and everything, or bugs, or whatever y'all want to call them. Go to the Cosmic Cove Instagram and I'll put pictures of them on there for y'all to check them out and a five inch for comparison.
Speaker 2:just so y'all can see.
Speaker 1:I'll show y'all what the real five inch is.
Speaker 2:So yeah, these are the scales. They're little shiny things. If y'all looked at the picture, the little shiny things is the scales, Damn this shit looks crazy. So when it comes down, the predator comes down to attack it.
Speaker 1:That's a Super Saiyan bug right there.
Speaker 2:Bro, super Saiyan 2. Super Saiyan 2, right there, super Saiyan, super Saiyan.
Speaker 1:All right. So the next one I got is a bombarder yeah. Bombarderer. Beetle, okay. Small beetle, usually less than two centimeters, has a black or brown body with distinct orange or red marking. Its claim to fame is its defense mechanism. Spraying a boiling chemical liquid from its average is its defense mechanism spraying a boiling chemical liquid from its average. Another one found worldwide, but they are most diverse in tropical regions.
Speaker 2:I was about to say.
Speaker 1:They're carnivorous. They prey on other insects, especially soft-bodied ones like caterpillars Dang. I never thought of that, that there's bugs that literally have like a hard shell, I guess, so to say, exoskeleton.
Speaker 2:The exoskeleton.
Speaker 1:Exoskeleton an ant it's kind of like that yeah, ant has an exoskeleton, if it's so little, then you can't that is crazy, huh, you just don't even hear the crunch.
Speaker 2:But that is. That is like the hard shell of the of it or like a roach yeah, roach doesn't have no roaches, can't live without a head. Damn, I didn't know that she has a hissing.
Speaker 1:Oh shit, yeah, she has.
Speaker 2:Hissing Cockroach. Hissing cockroach Cockroach is my fault. I had cock in the brain but um Sorry y'all.
Speaker 1:He had a good, solid father.
Speaker 2:A whopping.
Speaker 1:He'll be in my head.
Speaker 2:He'll be in my gut. Silly goose, what's a?
Speaker 1:silly goose Is over here.
Speaker 2:He'll be in my head, he'll be in my gut. Oh silly goose, what's a silly goose over?
Speaker 1:here. We've been around each other too much, not even enough, bro. We rarely see each other. It's been once and so From hanging out since, little kid bro. This shit's hilarious, bro, that same wavelength.
Speaker 2:But that's what she does. She has them cockroaches, so one of them got ate up because they can be ballistic. They'll eat other cockroaches. Oh shit Took his head off. Motherfucker still alive, bro. Sorry, torso Took his torso off. Shit was like he had no back and shit bro, shit was gone, damn Uh-huh.
Speaker 1:Motherf I know that this dude I work with. He used to be like a pest control person and he said that what keeps the cockroaches from living is they have like this coat around their shell or whatever, and that's how they breathe through their skin or whatever. So whenever they spray like a chemical, it like dries up, the like the film over their shells and shit and then that's what causes them to like suffocate or some bullshit.
Speaker 2:Oh, I'm about to nut on a cockroach so you can suffocate. Shoot him from across the room. Go have like 20 cockroaches with your faces on them, oh shit.
Speaker 1:We'll be running around everywhere like Quagmire.
Speaker 2:Going to be taking Jay Springer.
Speaker 1:They're not particularly territorial, but are adept at escaping predators.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:To benefit the humans. They help control pets' populations, I guess by killing motion laws and shit like that. So the ecological impact by preying on other insects, they contribute to controlling population imbalances and supporting biodiversity Okay. So if they could kill some mosquitoes, I'm okay with any bug that fucking kills mosquitoes, because one I hate myself.
Speaker 2:I was about to ask you is there any bugs that you you hate, apart like, obviously, mosquito, who don't fucking hate? If you don't hate a mosquito, you're a psychopath for real, bro, any other bug besides? Yeah, like I don't think you're scared of insects. No, I ain't scared of insects or anything. But okay, are you? Okay, go ahead I hate mosquitoes.
Speaker 1:I hate cockroaches. Like I can't stand them. They're annoying, they're pestered. I can't stand horseflies. I fucking hate horseflies.
Speaker 2:Oh bro, fucking horseflies bro, I can't stand a horsefly bro. And they so smug, they stay on you. I know bro, they take a bite and they stay on you bro. I know bro, ooh, smug motherfuckers bro.
Speaker 1:And they always around when you're in a pool or something, bro, when you having fun, bro, I know they stay on you.
Speaker 2:Having fun or you working. They just show up out of nowhere. They're big as hell.
Speaker 1:Don't even hear them.
Speaker 2:They smell like ass.
Speaker 1:It stink good over here. Let me get a bite of this thing. Chill, chill, chill, chill.
Speaker 2:That shit be hard. You was chilling that motherfucker Taking the big ass bite out of you. I hit one one time motherfucker, took a chunk out of him. Motherfucker, I was hungry bro.
Speaker 1:You looking like a big man that got bitten too bro.
Speaker 2:Motherfucker said Open up that jaw To take that bite Like a silver tooth.
Speaker 1:Kid, real motherfuckers Be chomping down on your ass. Fight you like three times.
Speaker 2:Hold on, hold on. Grab your shit like that. Oh, I fucking hate him bro. Oh, I've only got. Bit by a handful of times. But, that's all I. That shit be hurting bro, For no reason bro. That shit be hurting bro.
Speaker 1:For no reason, bro. That shit make you flinch. No cap, bro. I started swinging, Damn what the fuck?
Speaker 2:For real, you get hit in the wrist. Start looking around.
Speaker 1:You got shamed Me looking around throwing hands with the horse coming back with the black guy.
Speaker 2:You think this is bad. Look how I left him. He walks in beside me with one crutch.
Speaker 1:I'll do it again, all right so reproduction, the females lay eggs in soil or leaf litter. The larvae develop by feeding on organic matter, before pupating, I guess before hatching. So, fun fact, the bombing spray is a chemical reaction between two compounds stored separately in its body. When threatened, the beetle combines them in a reaction chamber, creating heat and pressure to expel the boiling liquid.
Speaker 2:Oh, it's boiling then. Yeah, it's like a so it's like a skunk, almost in a sense. Yeah, I got a picture of it right here. I seen this. Yeah, I seen them. They're the nutters.
Speaker 1:It looks just like me, but hunchback.
Speaker 2:Hunchback Spraying bars. That stance is crazy.
Speaker 1:Got your foot like that. That thing postured up the arm raise thing is pretty accurate, but it looks like me.
Speaker 2:That hunchback is crazy.
Speaker 1:All right, that's the only thing I got about that Bombarding Beetle.
Speaker 2:So so just going off that one's going on my phone over here, so just going off the beetle. So I got this thing called Tornados Ganges. It's a giant beetle, it's a creature, certain to make your skin crawl. It's a species. Oh, this ain't the beetle my fault. This is the moth in Australia and Southeast Asia. They have long fur and antennae, and they also have an interesting feature on their abdomen which produces a pheromone to attract mates. However, it is what's on their back that really sets them apart. They got hairy tubercles on their back. Yeah, I'm butchering. This, combined with the colors and patterns on their wings, make them resemble furry caterpillars. They help to camouflage them for predators as they blend into the tree branches and leaves. So I'm going to show you a picture. Just look at this thing.
Speaker 1:Some of them look majestic, like white and red, I think.
Speaker 2:Bro this one.
Speaker 1:Like they be looking pretty cool bro. Hell no that.
Speaker 2:thing look crazy bro. Yeah, majestic, yeah majestic. No, that is damn off bro. So yeah, that's part of the body, so you can see how that looks.
Speaker 1:Damn that shit, look crazy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so that's what helps them. Scare off predators, bro. I see that shit. I'm a predator, right. I'm looking for something to eat, right? You know, going through the outskirts of Australia, I see me a little moth and that motherfucker just pulls that thing out from behind it. All right, bro, I'm settled for it. I'm good with the ant bro. I'm good with the ant bro. I don't even need all that, bro. We'll put the picture online, but it basically has these things that come out.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it kind of look like I guess.
Speaker 2:Like tentacles, almost like tentacles. They're furry though, and it's just a defense mechanism, it's just to scare them off. But, bro, if I see that shit, bro, even as a human bro, I don't want to come that is pretty crazy bro.
Speaker 2:It doesn't. It's not poisonous or anything like that. It doesn't it's not poisonous or anything like that. It's just oh, okay, yeah, okay, it's just a scare tactic, or what is it called, like a. They live in around bodies of moving water and they are soft-bodied, brownish gray, have long thread-like antennae the males actually have oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. No, excuse me, I messed up. This is another bit. Yeah, so that's it for that one. Now I was gonna get to the crazy one I was about to get to. The crew makes up the fact. Yeah, and then put a.
Speaker 1:I didn't put the little I put it in uh in bold okay, yeah, so my next one, my final one, is gonna be the giant water bug aka. The toe biter.
Speaker 2:Oh, what the fuck that's right, that's right.
Speaker 1:The ultimate roach, the final form, super saiyan cockroach.
Speaker 2:Bo, I'm gonna put in the 12 gauge for that motherfucker right there All right.
Speaker 1:check this out. It's a large, flat-bodied insect with long legs, adepted for swimming.
Speaker 2:Oh, adepted Adepted for swimming.
Speaker 1:They can grow up to four inches long. That's pretty long, that's pretty damn long.
Speaker 2:Fucking humongous. Oh, that's why they call them giant. That's an SUV.
Speaker 1:And are known for their strong, painful bite. All right, so check this out. This is another worldwide beetle I mean not beetle, another bug that's worldwide, found in freshwater environments like ponds, lakes, tropical and subtropical regions, type shit. They're carnivorous. They can eat fish, tadpoles, aquatic insects, insects, sorry, using their strong forelegs to grab prey and inject digestive enzymes to liquefy, so they kind of like throw like an acid to break them down and then they just drink it.
Speaker 1:Fly kind of does the same thing too, if I'm not mistaken. They'll like throw up on something, and I guess they're like that's like a little acid or something and then they eat it. That's some type of what you mean. You don't throw up, no more been two days over all right. Let's see benefits to humans. Their present indicates a healthy aquatic ecosystem, as they thrive in clean water. Thrive in clean water.
Speaker 2:They be working.
Speaker 1:Apparently, it's good to have this because it means everything's going the way it's supposed to go. Ah, fuck that bro.
Speaker 2:I don't need to be seeing that big ass fucking bug. But I'm guessing they kill mosquitoes and shit like that right.
Speaker 1:I guess so, because it did say that they kill like bugs and shit.
Speaker 2:Right, but that would be the only benefit. But that bugs and shit. Right, that would be the only benefit.
Speaker 1:But that motherfucker big as hell Is a mosquito, an aquatic insect it is, I want to say, because they lay their eggs.
Speaker 2:That does make sense, that's the other thing. If you have still water, mosquitoes are going to put the legs in their larvae and everything People y'all need to during the summertime. Knock over any container with water. That's where mosquitoes are.
Speaker 1:Me over there with my bathtubs outside. What's it called?
Speaker 2:Your ice bath, your plunge Full of water. I ain't even going to take that water, I'm going to dip in that thing. Ah yes, got parasites in there.
Speaker 1:I have a fucking parasite. She got mold, big ass, fucking that shit in bacteria. I know I need to clean it out, bro. So females lay eggs on aquatic plants, or sometimes on the male's back, depending on the species. Damn, the male often guards the eggs until they hatch. Can you imagine that? I could not imagine carrying, like your whole uh legacy on your back, bro, literally okay, can't bow, then if they don't make it, that's on you, that's on you.
Speaker 2:You were the fault of it.
Speaker 1:You're the cause of right of the failure of the next generation. All right, and some cultures, these bugs are considered a delicacy air consumed.
Speaker 2:Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, delicacy that don't look good you give me a couple, couple tortillas with that shit, we in it, we in it.
Speaker 1:Nah, it's crazy when you can grill a bug, that's crazy.
Speaker 2:Work right there bro, motherfuckers supposed to fucking disappear and fire? You grilling the motherfucker? Motherfucker. Has motherfuckers supposed to fucking disappear in fire? You grilling the motherfucker Motherfucker has mass to his body that you can grill.
Speaker 1:Have my char marks across.
Speaker 2:Got your cross section on that, motherfucker. No, cut it with a knife, don't go against the grain.
Speaker 1:All right, what you got Nah fuck that.
Speaker 2:Okay, so I just started. It was the Dobson Floss. Look at this motherfucker right here. Hell, no, what. Okay, so I just started. It was the Dobson Floss.
Speaker 1:Look at this motherfucker right here Hell, no, what the fuck is that bro?
Speaker 2:So how do we describe this? How do we describe this?
Speaker 1:Imagine an ant with wings that has long pincers.
Speaker 2:There you go, perfect. So, dobson Floss, are there some family of fish that live in and around bodies of moving water? They are soft body, brownish gray and have long thread-like antenna. Adult male dot flies have large sickle shaped mandibles. They are nocturnal and are active late spring to mid-summer. They are attracted to lights and may seen rest on walls near outdoor life fixtures. They are important members of the aquatic ecosystem. So just so y'all know. So they do got some pincers, but the pincers they don't do anything. They don't do anything, no, so they do fly.
Speaker 2:They're about four inches, four or five inches, solid, four inches. Solid, four inches. Strong four inches, some might say gigantic, everybody's like alright, we get it.
Speaker 1:Not funny, no more Strong for it.
Speaker 2:Call you back for it. Has dinner for you for it.
Speaker 1:Lay some pipe down for it.
Speaker 2:Bye.
Speaker 1:It's a little bit of tubing, 15 minute long for it. Make it work up a sweat make it work.
Speaker 2:A sweat. You're the only one sweating, but no, so that's another little bug. Well, not little. This is a bug I saw. I thought they were. They reminded me of these Star Troopers, these creatures they had in Star troopers. I've never seen that movie. What is it? That game that came out for the ps5? Uh, hell divers. So I don't know if it was inspired, but I I get like the energy hell divers from, uh for star troopers. Star troopers there's a lot of like. It's just bugs and everything like that too. Same thing, but, um, it kind of looks like something that would fit in the head universe. They're scary, they look scary, but the pictures don't really hurt you. And I see a motherfucker grabbing that motherfucker, like he was grabbing by the wings. That thing was flapping, like he had some power behind it bro, oh shit.
Speaker 2:Like it's a scary. I ain't going to say little. It's the life of it?
Speaker 1:No, it does. You can see the life of it.
Speaker 2:That's the male. The males are the ones with the pictures. They're the ones that look crazy. They're the ones that look the craziest. But it's just another. It's just a plot. It's nothing too serious, though. So when I was little, I used to be scared of bugs Just because of the way they look.
Speaker 2:What types of bugs. I'm trying to think it would just be if I would just like big bugs or bugs with a lot of legs or a motherfucker that can fly. They used to scare me I don't know why Not dragonflies or stuff like that, not scaring me in the sense of I'm running from them but I don't want to touch them. That's about as deep as I would.
Speaker 1:I could see that. Yeah, but that's a little. I can understand that and then.
Speaker 2:So starting in the older, you know, obviously I started fearing them. The only insect I do fear now Are bees.
Speaker 1:That's the only, that's the only there's a reason behind it.
Speaker 2:Bees, bro, that's the only reason why it's on site with them. Nah, I mean bees, bees I let it slide bees, honeybees, stuff like that, and we're fucking wasps. I shoot that motherfucker with dragon breath. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck. That's somebody's house. They get in here with dragon breath. I don't, I don't give a fuck. Whatever the fuck is behind, good luck. They're fucking wasps, bro, they're. They're the worst, they're the fucking worst. Fucking hate them. I was out twice with them, bitches.
Speaker 1:I can already see yourself trying to infiltrate a wasp nest.
Speaker 2:You dress up as a massive ass wasp, making them all fall in love with you. Get back to the nest.
Speaker 1:Seduct all the other ones and make them all fight for you. Seduct the queen.
Speaker 2:Take over the queen. Bro. If I was on some Rick and Morty shit, if I like Rick's abilities or like his brain power, I would definitely. I mean he turned himself into a pig while I was turning myself into a. There is a B Rick and Morty.
Speaker 1:Oh, for real.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because I don't know if you've seen the episode where Rick started running out of bodies to respawn in and he had to go like at another universe. It was like a. It was a wash Rick and Morty.
Speaker 1:You ain't seen it. I don't think I seen that one you ain't seen that one, but yeah.
Speaker 2:So Thankfully he did Turn himself into a bee Giant ass bee, though it was like a human size ass bee.
Speaker 1:I ain't seen that. I ain't got any more. You got another one you want?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I throw another one out there. I had so many. The same with the.
Speaker 1:Puss.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, One more time the pussy, the pussy moth.
Speaker 1:That's right. That's right, the pussy.
Speaker 2:It's a British. It's a British native. The pussy moth may not seem like your typical scary insect, but this furry caterpillar has a unique defense mechanism it can release a foul-smelling liquid from his body to deter predators.
Speaker 1:Oh, kind of like a stink bug. Uh his body to deter predators.
Speaker 2:Oh, kind of like a stink bug or like the bowling one you just had. Oh the bombarder, yeah, bombarder beetle. It's like a worm-like creature, grows up to two inches. Huge that's still kind of huge. It's like a humongous two inches it's a monster. It's a titan of an insect. I told you, mom.
Speaker 1:They calling my doctor. I told you I was fucking cute. I'm going to go up there.
Speaker 2:You need to apologize to me. So it's a gray brown insect. Right, it has stripes running down its back. It feeds on the leaves of various trees. So you know it's one of the tamest insects, I should say. It likes to eat various tree leaves, like oak and willow. The moth then transforms into a beautiful gray-brown furry moth with white markings. And, despite their smelly defense mechanism, puss moths are quite harmless. As such. They make interesting additions to any insect collection. So I'm going to show you a little picture of them, because it is a little interesting. I think this thing is gorgeous. So it starts off as this Okay, you've probably seen that.
Speaker 1:It kind of reminds me of the big caterpillar from Bug's Life, one of the best movies ever. Oh wow, that's what it turns into.
Speaker 2:That's what it turns into.
Speaker 1:Damn this shit. Look like a moth from Godzilla Right.
Speaker 2:That shit look amazing. That shit look amazing. I've always found moths interesting for how they turn Well, not moths, but butterflies, I guess too, because that's part of the same family Going from a caterpillar into a butterfly or, in this case, into a moth. Just imagine, bro, you go in there, it's a caterpillar. You wake up, you can fly. You can fly, bro. If I could do that, I'd be acting up, bro.
Speaker 1:That shit is pretty crazy, I'd be acting up If humans had stages like that, instead of us having like. Pre-ready Having our balls drop we did some cool shit, like being able to. We did some cool shit Like going into a cocoon and leaving an old carcass behind and you look back, you look back.
Speaker 2:And see your skin and bones.
Speaker 1:Disgusting. I can't believe I used to look like that Fucking garbage. Look upon everybody else, fuck my carcass One time before I leave.
Speaker 2:Just to see what it felt like, just to see what the hype Was about with my past and my doctor.
Speaker 1:My colonoscopy doctor, or whatever you want to call it jesus, the no hands doctor no, bro, but that is pretty cool how insects do go to like different right.
Speaker 2:They go through the little phases and everything it's um for me it's, it's amazing part of, of, of nature of of life.
Speaker 1:it's pretty crazy how like everything goes through things People bugs Like people.
Speaker 2:You don't see that change physically. Well, I mean you could? I guess you could see that change.
Speaker 1:In the aspect of people go through things like the humans. We go through life, death or whatever, but we're so complex because we have emotions, we have feelings. And then bugs is like for the queen type shit. You got the workers, you got the people that keep the workers.
Speaker 2:And that's their life, and that's all they do, and that's their life.
Speaker 1:That's pretty crazy. Right now, we're in here and the ants out there might be plotting a battle against the fire ants across the street.
Speaker 2:Oh, you know ants actually do have wars? Yeah, no, they do. I didn't know that. Yeah, wars, Ants have wars between colonies.
Speaker 1:Oh shit.
Speaker 2:They'll pull up on a colony and take it out, and that's when resources are becoming scarce.
Speaker 1:Oh shit.
Speaker 2:So there's a game colony nearby and they think it's best's best.
Speaker 1:They're gonna be stealing the other one's larva.
Speaker 2:Nah, they kill, oh shit, they kill. They kill everybody, everybody dead bro. Whole Genocide, whole gen. No, that yeah, like that's just what they do. So that ain't pretty cool to see. There's just a video On YouTube.
Speaker 1:I'm gonna have to look it up.
Speaker 2:We'll see after this, bro. But yeah, there's colonies. Oh, termites do that too, oh shit. Well, they have colonies and they just battle each other.
Speaker 1:Me watching the clip on YouTube. I see one of them get pushed against the wall and get shit. Get his butt right across his fucking stomach. His gut's coming out. He's like, oh, they got intestines and shit. Then one of the ants are about to die, but the one that got his guts cut out managed to somehow live and save his friend. That was about to get killed, then he dies take triples up.
Speaker 1:You know how they always triple up when they die take, take my sugar cubes with you, for the queen, for the queen, for the queen.
Speaker 2:Close as I. What would be your aunt name? Antoine, antoine, no Aunt.
Speaker 1:Now, that'd be pretty crazy. Right there, bro, that is crazy, that is wild.
Speaker 2:But yeah, bro, so. The interesting life of bugs, the interesting life of bugs, the complexity Of life on this earth. Yeah, bro, so the interesting life of bugs, the interesting life of bugs, the complexity of life on this earth the complexity of getting your asshole.
Speaker 1:It's crazy. Cosmic cove is a crazy thing. We're talking about one thing, then another thing. One thing you won't have is the dull moment. With us, though unlike this knife.
Speaker 2:No, no, but uh.
Speaker 1:I think we're gonna wrap it up on that. On that note, thank y'all so much for listening. Thank y'all for watching uh sharing liking uh for all the love and support that you continue to give us. You know it means a lot to me to me too, to me too it's a journey and I'm I'm grateful to be part of this journey me too, so here you know, I appreciate the people that listen and uh, like different cities, states or whatever.
Speaker 1:I appreciate the love and support. It seriously means a lot to me. Um, be sure to go check out the instagram for the pictures of the insects and then pictures of, like the previous stuff we talked about, like the? Uh, the tech episode where we talked about the robot oh yeah, that was that.
Speaker 2:One's it, dude, so go check out the instagram, check that one out, but yeah go follow us and everything and then uh, you know, I really appreciate it.
Speaker 1:Let us know if y'all have any topics that y'all want us to talk about, or anything you know we're open to everything, yep, or anything specific except politics, we don't discuss politics.
Speaker 2:I don't know shit about politics. I don't know shit about politics, bro?
Speaker 1:I really don't.
Speaker 2:It's just my opinion. Everybody going to say my opinion wrong. Let me tell you, I do know something about it.
Speaker 1:I mean, I do know something about which doctors to get for your colonoscopy. Get the ones with the biggest fingers, because they can tell you got the most service here El de dotes, doctor de dotes. Doctor no hands. Look for him.
Speaker 2:No hands is crazy, nah, bro.
Speaker 1:I appreciate y'all so much. Thanks again. Go follow Cosmic Cove on Instagram. Like I said, go check out Yayo's Instagram.
Speaker 2:Yayo FYB.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you got any shout outs or anything.
Speaker 2:No, just my family Short and simple Need to come up with the word for the day.
Speaker 1:Oh, shit, that's right. Have they cashed out anything? No, they haven't cashed out anything.
Speaker 2:They've been listening to it. The last one was Stromboli Stromboli, but Sammy said it was really good.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay, yeah, oh, he liked that episode. Yeah, he liked that episode.
Speaker 2:He said because I was telling him, like I was telling you, I was like, bro, I feel like I didn't bring it last episode. I feel like I was just in my head at the time, or maybe because I was just too tired, or whatever.
Speaker 1:I'm the same way.
Speaker 2:But I don't know, once I heard it I was like oh, this shit is good, this shit hit, we're getting there, we're getting more comfortable, y'all Right.
Speaker 1:Next episode will be butt-ass naked. Two butt-ass naked dudes. Two butt-ass naked dudes. What are we doing under the table? No one knows, unless y'all go to our Patreon. Then y'all get the.
Speaker 2:The other shot, the other shot. Y'all just see our boss Taking over the chairs. Alright, put some lotion on this.
Speaker 1:Why is this shit shaved like that?
Speaker 2:Why is?
Speaker 1:it two colors.
Speaker 2:Why is this?
Speaker 1:shit dark and it doesn't feel body. No, but I want to also give a big shout out to, uh, my girlfriend. Big shout out to my cousin pepe. You know much love. Thank you for always supporting me and uh, all my journeys and everything that I decided to do in life. Thank you for always being there for me. Big shout out to my doctors. Big shout out to the doctor that touched my balls in fifth grade. You know, I wouldn't be the man I am today if it wasn't for you. Finally, my balls act like that. It means so much. It meant so much.
Speaker 2:I think I'm in love. I love you.
Speaker 1:I just want to tell you. If I find you and you're out there, you know, I just want to give you a kiss, my first real love.
Speaker 2:Talking about where you been, baby girl, the one that got away nah nobody's ever touched me like she's touched me touched my balls didn't even touch the tip crazy work bro it happens.
Speaker 1:Nah, I'm just messing, but it's all jokes. It's all jokes, but, like I said, we'll catch y'all in the next episode. Much love, and we hope to have this visuals for this episode up for y'all so y'all can see us, y'all can get a good feel of how we do things, our setup, our little tiny setup, you know it's not fancy right now, but we're still in the works to get everything audio-wise, setup-wise, but we appreciate the support that y'all still give us through this small journey that we're going through right now.
Speaker 1:But we'll catch you on the next episode. Peace, peace.